Digital Somalia


Somalia’s journey to a digital society is underway. Led by the country’s leaders and supported by international partners with a growing contribution by the Somali diaspora. This site is hosted by SPIDER in collaboration with NomadiLab and Sidra, and funded by Sweden, to offer insight into the journey at hand, to enable stronger partnerships and develop sustainable solutions for Somalia’s digital future.

Current initiatives


HADDA stands for Health Alliance for Digital Development and Action, but also means NOW in Somali. The programme is funded by Sweden to support Somalia’s Federal Ministry of Health and Ministries of Health in Puntland and Galmudug to drive the national Health Information Management System to become unified and interoperable. The HADDA programme focuses on national  leadership on Digital Health and partners with expertise to strengthen inistitutions, support health systems, skill health workers and deliver quality care to maternal and child health clinics in selected clincs in Puntland, Galmudug and Benaadir. This initial phase is developed with the aim of scaling to the entire country.


Supports Government's leadership


Underpinned by national strategies


For equal access to health services


Research is undertaken by Sidra. Sidra leads the work package on knowledge to inform and lead successful implementation.

Technology & Capacity

NomadiLab has since 2017 made a name in Somalia for technology advancing human progress, from crisis management to development of solutions serving Somalia’s government with much needed data on COVID-19. NomadiLab is the implementing partner in Somalia while also coordinating diaspora engagement in the near future, in joint efforts with SPIDER. The organisation has an understanding of Somali and Swedish partnerships and are recognised widely for their contribution to a digital Somalia.


SPIDER is a centre of enablement in international development, with the aim of connecting expertise for impact creation. SPIDER is an established co-ordinator of digital transformation programming, adding value through its vast web of collaborators from private to public and civil society sectors. SPIDER’s models of coordination yield lasting results.


The Office of the Prime Minister and the Federal Ministry of Health lead Somalia’s digitalisation efforts. The policies and strategies that inform HADDA and other similar initiatives are promoted through the commitment of staff and partners.



SPIDER promotes research as an intergral component of knowledge creation, informing implementation for lasting impact. Sidra was therefore chosen as the research partner for the work in Somalia as it has a vast portfolio of work undertaken in the digitalisation space, strengthening the national infrastructure for research and development.


Needs assessment and baseline study


Stakeholder engagement workshops


Swedish Authorities partnering for a Digital Somalia

Three major investments are made by the Government of Sweden via the Embassy based in Nairobi, for the digitalisation of Somalia. SPIDER coordinates the HADDA programme, with Somalia based NomadiLab and Sidra. Meanwhile the aforementioned also closely collaborate with Public Health Sweden who has forged a partnership with National Health Institute of Somalia. The third Swedish authority adding value to the digitalisation of Somalia is Statistics Sweden (SCB), working with counterparts in Somalia to establish reliable data and decision structures.

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